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Adventure Race: Service

CranHill Alumni Staff Recruitment

We Need Your Help Finding the Next Generation of CranHill Summer Staff!

The Harvest is Plenty…


God is bringing more campers to CranHill than ever before. Current youth camp registrations are exceeding 2022 amounts at this time, by 400+ campers! That means more campers than ever hearing the gospel and experiencing a life changing encounter with God.


Our family campground is also seeing record numbers of reservations. Attendees appreciate how safe and engaging CranHill is for their families and friends. More and more churches are establishing church campouts, and folks are inviting their non-churched friends to attend. It’s so wonderful to see how God is preparing the harvest at CranHill. However…


…The Workers are Few.

While we are experiencing record numbers of youth camp and family campground reservations, we are having a hard time finding summer staff. For many years, we have visited colleges throughout the midwest including Hope, Calvin, Kuyper, Olivet, Cornerstone, Taylor and so many more, looking for potential summer staffers.


During covid, we lost an entire year of recruiting due to schools going virtual. Coming out of covid, many schools have switched to using virtual recruiting services. As you know, this eliminates the personal aspect of talking with students about God’s calling in their lives. Students are also being encouraged by their schools to purse internships earlier than ever. Many freshman and sophmores are having to find internships in their first year or two of college, eliminating the opportunity to spend the summer learning, growing and serving at a camp.


These reasons have led to a drought of sorts when it comes to recruiting staff to serve at CranHill. HOWEVER…we trust that God will provide. We know that when the harvest is plenty, he will provide the workers. We believe there are just the right number of staff out there for this summer…we just need your help making the connections.


How you can help!


As CranHill Ranch Staff Alumni, you know first hand how impactful the ministry is not just for the campers and families…but for you the individual. As you know, camp is a life transforming experience for those that serve through the Summer. That’s still the case for staff serving now!


You also know so many more people than we do! Since you left CranHill, God has moved you to new towns, placed you in different churches, increased and switched up your circle of friends and families. This means that your network is loaded with people who God has chosen to work at CranHill. We just need your help connecting to them.


Below is some information on how you can help us connect to the next generation of CranHill summer staff, plus some helpful information to use when talking to those people.

Alumni staff recruitment infographic-1.png

We appreciate your help!


We want so show you our appreciation for helping CranHill connect to the next generation of Summer Staff. When applicants list you as their referral, we are going to keep track of that. On May 1, 2023, we will talley the number of applicants attributed to you. That number will dictate what appreciation package we send to you! Check out those levels below.


Level 1: 1-4 Applicants - CranHill Merchandise Box

Level 2: 5-9 Applicants - Large CranHill Merchandise Box

Level 3: 10+ Applicants - $75 CranHill Discount Code


This is a big deal. God is doing amazing things through the ministry of CranHill. We know he has the people to serve this Summer. Will you help us make more connections?


Send all applicants to and remember to have them list you as the referral!

Can you find your Staff Picture?

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