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Friendship Camp

Scholarship Fund

Empower the transformative work
of Friendship Camp at CranHill

For over 40 years, Friendship Camp at CranHill has provided a unique Christian experience tailored for individuals aged 15 and older with cognitive and developmental disabilities. This 4-night/5-day opportunity offers a safe space to embrace Christ's love and enjoy a life transforming week of summer camp.




We believe that each friendship camper is uniquely created by God, in His image. This week-long program provides an environment where campers can discover their God given abilities and deepen their connection with Christ at their own pace.




  • Tailored Experience: It provides a complete summer camp tailored to the special needs of campers.


  • Respite for Caregivers: Offering parents and long-term caregivers much-needed rest.


  • Social Bonds: Fostering connections with friends through exciting activities.


  • Spiritual Growth: Guiding campers to discover God's love and transform their lives.



CranHill has been accepting government respite funds for decdes. However, the changing landscape is placing constraints on the conventional Christian camp experience. Beginning with the 2025 ministry season, we will no longer accept these funds. We recognize that this change will place many camper families in a tough financial position when it comes to paying for camp. In response to this challenge, the Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund has been initiated with three key objectives in mind:


  • Ease Costs: The fund seeks to alleviate the financial burden associated with camp expenses for families and caregivers. By providing financial support, we aim to make Friendship Camp accessible to as many campers as possible, ensuring that financial constraints don't hinder their participation in this transformative experience.


  • Sustain the Mission: Beyond immediate financial assistance, the Scholarship Fund plays a crucial role in supporting CranHill's overarching mission. By contributing to the fund, donors actively participate in the larger vision of transforming lives into the image of Christ. This sustained support ensures that the impact of Friendship Camp extends far beyond their week at camp, reaching into the hearts and lives of those it touches.


  • An Ambitious Goal: The Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund has set an ambitious target of $40,000. This substantial goal is carefully calculated to meet the expected requests based on the historical usage of respite funds in recent years. Achieving this target not only allows CranHill to address the current financial challenges but also positions the camp for long-term success, enabling it to fulfill its mission for years to come.


By supporting the Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund, you actively contribute to creating a more inclusive and impactful camp experience, where financial barriers are dismantled, and lives are continually transformed in the image of Christ. Join us in this ambitious endeavor to make Friendship Camp accessible and sustainable for all those seeking the unchanging love of God.

Join the Cause: Support CranHill's Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund

If you're passionate about enriching the lives of Friendship Campers, creating enduring memories, and nurturing the love of God, here's how you can make a difference through our Scholarship Fund. Your support matters, and taking action is simple:


  • Online Contribution: Click the button below to embark on a transformative journey. Your online donation directly contributes to easing costs and sustaining the mission of Friendship Camp.


  • Check Donation: Make a tangible impact by including "Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund" on your donation check. Your generosity goes beyond monetary value; it's an investment in transformative experiences.


  • Spread the Word: The power of change amplifies with shared voices. Inform your friends, family, and communities about the Friendship Camp Scholarship Fund. Encourage their involvement and spark a ripple effect of support.


Your support isn't just financial; it's a catalyst for ensuring Friendship Camp thrives, blending the pure joy of camp with the transformative love of Christ. Let's unite in this shared mission to create a lasting impact on the lives of deserving individuals. Together, we can light up the path for Friendship Campers, making their journey memorable, inclusive, and deeply rooted in the love of God. Join us in igniting change today!

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