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2022 Playground Capital Campaign

Donate: About

Give the gift of Play.

CranHill’s 3 Playground areas were built in the 1970’s. At that time, these facilities were state-of-the-art. While they have served 3 generations of CranHill families, they are now showing significant signs of age. The wood structures, metal fasteners, slides, and swings are deteriorating at a rate that staff are unable to keep up with repairs and the costs associated with them.


This campaign will raise the necessary funds to demolish, excavate our current equipment, then purchase and install new playground structures. The goal is to replace our current structures with ones that will last another 40-50 years.

Why is this Important

For 54 years, CranHill has been a place where families let their kids explore God’s creation without worry of injury. The current state of our playgrounds does not support that vision. Families are accustomed to higher quality, safer playgrounds at their schools and neighborhood parks.


As new families come for the first time, and current families return with their friends, CranHill want’s them to feel they can let their children run, play and explore…just like the past 3 generations of CranHill families have been able to do.

Learn How YOU Can Get Involved.

CranHill is continually blessed by God's providence, through generous people like you. To learn more about becoming involved in this project, click the button below to download the campaign presentation.







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